
作者: 郑振佑博士
发布于: 2024-08-07 15:02
阅读: 4


1. 正念定心呼吸(5 分钟):

- 目的: 培养意识,平静心灵。
- 步骤:
1). 找一个安静的地方: 在一个不会被打扰的安静地方舒适地坐下。
2). 姿势: 坐时背部挺直,双手放在膝盖上,双脚平放在地板上。
3). 专注于呼吸: 闭上眼睛,将注意力集中在呼吸上。注意空气进出鼻孔的感觉。
4). 数呼吸: 深吸气,然后呼气。第一次呼吸数 "一",第二次数 "二",直到 "五",然后重新开始。
5). 观察而不评判: 如果你的思绪飘忽不定,轻轻地将其带回你的呼吸中,不做任何评判。
6). 持续 5 分钟: 保持这种专注状态 5 分钟,当你感觉更舒适时,逐渐延长时间。

2. 全天定位呼吸中心:

- 目标: 将正念融入日常活动中。
- 步骤:
1). 设置提醒: 用闹钟或便签提醒自己练习正念呼吸。
2). 短暂检查: 每隔一小时暂停一下,做几次正念呼吸。
3). 在活动中觉察: 将正念呼吸融入日常活动中,如走路、吃饭甚至刷牙。

3. 每日反思中心问题(EGGS):

- 目标: 培养感恩之心和积极的专注力。
- 步骤:
1). 晚间例行活动: 一天结束时,找一个安静的时刻进行反思。
2). 提出问题: 思考这些问题:
- 今天我享受了什么?
- 我感激什么?
- 我对什么感觉良好?
- 我对什么感到满意?

3). 写日记: 在日记中写下你的反思,以强化积极的体验。

4. 正念行走:
- 目标: 在移动中练习正念。
- 步骤:
1). 选择路径: 在室内或室外找个安静的地方散步。
2). 放慢脚步:有意识地慢慢走,注意每一步。
3). 关注感觉: 注意双脚接触地面的感觉、双腿的运动以及呼吸的节奏。
4). 保持临场感: 如果你的思绪飘忽不定,轻轻地让它回到行走的感觉上。

5. 专注进食:

- 目标: 充分意识到进食的行为。
- 步骤:
1). 选择一餐: 选择一餐或点心,用心进食。
2). 调动感官: 进食前,花点时间看看食物,闻闻气味,欣赏食物的颜色和质地。
3). 慢慢吃: 小口进食,细嚼慢咽,注重食物的味道和口感。
4). 注意感觉: 进食时注意口腔和身体的感觉。
5). 避免分心: 吃饭时不要分心,如电视或智能手机。

6. 用心淋浴:

- 目的: 在日常活动中练习正念。
- 步骤:
1). 当下: 淋浴时,专注于水在皮肤上的感觉。
2). 调动感官: 注意水的温度、声音和感觉。
3). 保持专注: 如果你的思绪飘忽不定,轻轻地把它拉回到淋浴的感觉上。

7. 专注驾驶:

- 目标: 将正念融入日常通勤中。
- 步骤:
1). 准备: 在启动汽车之前,花点时间静坐并做几次深呼吸。
2). 关注呼吸: 开始开车时注意呼吸。
3). 提高意识: 注意坐姿的感觉、方向盘的感觉以及周围的声音。
4). 保持临场感: 如果你的思绪飘忽不定,轻轻地把它拉回到驾驶行为上来。

8. 工作场所居中正念:

- 目标: 在工作中练习正念。
- 步骤:
1). 定期检查: 每隔一小时花几分钟时间关注自己的呼吸和身体感觉。
2). 营造心灵空间: 在工作区摆放一些有意义的东西,比如一张照片或一盆植物,并在一天中花些时间欣赏它。
3). 用心休息: 在休息时间,与同事交流,进行与工作无关的谈话,或安静地散步。

9. 以家庭为中心过渡:

- 目标: 用心地从工作过渡到家庭。
- 步骤:
1). 换衣服: 换下工作服,以示过渡。
2). 问候亲人: 如果与他人同住,花点时间用心问候他们。如果独自一人,则享受家中的宁静。
3). 放松:花几分钟时间静静地坐下来,呼吸,过渡到家庭环境中。

10. 早晨静心时间

- 目标: 以正念开始新的一天。
- 步骤:
1). 早晨常规: 早上花 5 分钟保持安静。
2). 冥想: 聆听大自然的声音,凝视窗外,或安静地散步。
3). 用心沐浴:在晨间沐浴时全身心投入。



- 介绍练习: 向客户解释每种练习的好处和步骤。
- 布置家庭作业: 为客户布置具体的练习,让他们在课间尝试。
- 共同反思: 在后续课程中讨论客户在正念练习方面的经验。
- 提供资源: 提供额外的材料,如引导式冥想录音或书面说明,为客户提供支持。



Guide for Brief Mindfulness Centering Practices in Coaching

1. Mindful Centering Breathing (5 minutes):

• Objective: To cultivate awareness and calm the mind.
• Steps:
1). Find a Quiet Place: Sit comfortably in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
2). Posture: Sit with your back straight, hands resting on your lap, and feet flat on the floor.
3). Focus on Breath: Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Notice the sensation of air entering and leaving your nostrils.
4). Count Breaths: Inhale deeply, then exhale. Count “one” on the first breath, “two” on the second, up to “five,” then start over.
5). Observe Without Judgment: If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath without judgment.
6). Continue for 5 Minutes: Maintain this focus for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable.

2. Positioning Breathing Centering Throughout the Day:

• Objective: To integrate mindfulness into daily activities.
• Steps:
1). Set Reminders: Use alarms or sticky notes as reminders to practice mindful breathing.
2). Brief Check-ins: Pause every hour to take a few mindful breaths.
3). Awareness in Activities: Incorporate mindful breathing into routine activities like walking, eating, or even brushing your teeth.

3. Daily Reflection Centering Questions (EGGS):

• Objective: To foster gratitude and positive focus.
• Steps:
1). Evening Routine: At the end of the day, find a quiet moment to reflect.
2). Ask Questions: Reflect on these questions:
• What did I enjoy today?
• What am I grateful for?
• What do I feel good about?
• What am I satisfied with?

3). Journal: Write down your reflections in a journal to reinforce positive experiences.


4. Mindful Walking Centering:
• Objective: To practice mindfulness while moving.
• Steps:
1). Choose a Path: Find a quiet place to walk, indoors or outdoors.
2). Slow Down: Walk slowly and deliberately, paying attention to each step.
3). Focus on Sensations: Notice the sensation of your feet touching the ground, the movement of your legs, and the rhythm of your breath.
4). Stay Present: If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the sensation of walking.

5. Mindful Eating Centering:

• Objective: To bring full awareness to the act of eating.
• Steps:
1). Choose a Meal: Select a meal or snack to eat mindfully.
2). Engage Senses: Before eating, take a moment to look at your food, smell it, and appreciate its colors and textures.
3). Eat Slowly: Take small bites and chew slowly, focusing on the taste and texture.
4). Notice Sensations: Pay attention to the sensations in your mouth and body as you eat.
5). Avoid Distractions: Eat without distractions, such as TV or smartphones.

6. Mindful Shower Centering:

• Objective: To practice mindfulness during routine activities.
• Steps:
1). Be Present: As you shower, focus on the sensation of water on your skin.
2). Engage Senses: Notice the temperature, sound, and feel of the water.
3). Stay Focused: If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the sensations of the shower.

7. Mindful Driving Centering:

• Objective: To incorporate mindfulness into daily commutes.
• Steps:
1). Prepare: Before starting your car, take a moment to sit quietly and take a few deep breaths.
2). Focus on Breath: Pay attention to your breath as you start driving.
3). Be Aware: Notice the sensations of sitting, the feel of the steering wheel, and the sounds around you.
4). Stay Present: If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the act of driving.

8. Workplace Centering Mindfulness:

• Objective: To practice mindfulness at work.
• Steps:
1). Regular Check-ins: Take a few minutes every hour to focus on your breath and bodily sensations.
2). Create a Mindful Space: Bring something meaningful to your workspace, like a photo or a plant, and take moments to appreciate it throughout the day.
3). Mindful Breaks: During breaks, connect with colleagues, engage in non-work-related conversations, or take a quiet walk.

9. Transitioning Centering Home:

• Objective: To transition mindfully from work to home.
• Steps:
1). Change Clothes: Change out of work clothes to signal the transition.
2). Greet Loved Ones: If you live with others, take a moment to greet them mindfully. If alone, enjoy the peace of your home.
3). Relax: Take a few minutes to sit quietly, breathe, and transition into your home environment.

10. Morning Quiet Time Centering:

• Objective: To start the day with mindfulness.
• Steps:
1). Morning Routine: Spend 5 minutes in the morning being quiet and still.
2). Meditate: Listen to nature, gaze out the window, or take a quiet walk.
3). Mindful Shower: Be fully present during your morning shower.


Implementing Centering  in Coaching Sessions:

• Introduce Practices: Explain the benefits and steps of each practice to your clients.
• Set Homework: Assign specific practices for clients to try between sessions.
• Reflect Together: Discuss the client’s experiences with mindfulness practices in follow-up sessions.
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