
7 Powerful Coaching Questions

作者: 郑振佑博士,Dr. Paul Jeong ,MCC,MMC
发布于: 2024-03-01 11:13
阅读: 23



1. 根源挖掘机: 5 个为什么法--发现隐藏的触发因素。
2. 登月挑战者:大胆思考--挑战局限,激发愿景。
3. 范式转变者: 全新视角--打破陈旧模式,释放无限可能。
4. 清晰催化剂: 像孩子一样解释--加深理解,找出知识差距。
5. 客户拥护者: 以客户为中心 - 优先创造价值,确保满足市场需求。
6. 增强信心: 突出优势 - 树立信心,增强客户利用技能的能力。
7. 长期战略家: 考虑长远--考虑深远影响,鼓励做出明智决策。

7 个有力的问题,提升你的教练课程:

作为教练,提出有见地的问题是你的秘密武器。虽然具体的措辞可能需要根据客户的情况进行调整,但这 7 个有力的问题提供了一个框架,可以揭示根本原因,点燃大胆的思考,并增强自我发现的能力:

1. 根源挖掘机:

问题 "不要只问'为什么',让我们用丰田 5 个为什么法来探索'为什么'背后的'为什么'。是什么导致了这种情况,又有哪些因素可能造成这种情况?
益处: 发现深层次的问题,而不仅仅是直接的触发因素。

2. 登月挑战者

问题 "想象一下,在未来 6 个月内实现你的 10 年计划。你可以采取哪些大胆的措施来实现这一目标?
益处: 激发创新,挑战限制性信念,激发远大理想。

3. 范式转换器

问题 "如果我们从完全不同的角度看问题,我们可能需要挑战哪些假设才能找到突破口?
好处: 鼓励新思维,打破过时的模式,开启新的可能性。

4. 清晰催化剂

问题 "如果你要向一个孩子解释这个问题,你会如何把它分解成简单易懂的步骤?(受费曼技巧启发)
益处: 加深理解,澄清复杂概念,找出知识差距。

5. 客户拥护者

问题 "如果我们发布一份新闻稿,宣布这一产品的推出,它将如何描述客户体验及其带来的价值?(受亚马逊工作倒推法的启发)
优点 确保以客户为中心,使产品开发与市场需求保持一致,并优先考虑价值创造。

6. 增强信心:

问题 "请告诉我,有一次你真正发挥了自己的全部技能和优势,感觉自己处于最佳状态。哪些品质和行为帮助你取得了成功?
好处: 建立自信,确定可转移的技能,并使客户能够利用自身优势。

7. 长期战略家

问题 "让我们探讨一下这个决定的潜在后果。未来几个月可能会产生什么影响?进一步的影响又会如何?(二阶思维)
优点 鼓励长远思考,考虑潜在隐患,促进明智决策。




7 Powerful Coaching Questions

1. Root Cause Excavator: 5 Whys Method - Uncover hidden triggers.
2. Moonshot Challenger: Bold thinking - Challenge limitations, inspire vision.
3. Paradigm Shifter: Fresh perspectives - Disrupt outdated patterns, unlock possibilities.
4. Clarity Catalyst: Explain like a child - Deepen understanding, identify knowledge gaps.
5. Customer Champion: Customer focus - Prioritize value creation, ensure market needs met.
6. Confidence Booster: Highlight strengths - Build confidence, empower clients to leverage skills.
7. Long-Term Strategist: Think long-term - Consider far-reaching consequences, encourage informed decision-making.

7 Powerful Questions to Elevate Your Coaching Sessions:

As a coach, asking insightful questions is your secret weapon. While the specific wording may need to adapt depending on the client, these 7 powerful questions offer a framework to  uncover root causes, ignite bold thinking, and empower self-discovery:

1. The Root Cause Excavator:

Question: "Instead of just 'why,' let's explore the 'why' behind the 'why' using the Toyota 5 Whys Method. What led to this situation, and what factors might be contributing to it?"
Benefits: Uncovers the underlying issues, not just immediate triggers.

2. The Moonshot Challenger:

Question: "Imagine achieving your 10-year plan within the next 6 months. What audacious steps could you take to get there?"
Benefits: Sparks innovation, challenges limiting beliefs, and inspires ambitious vision.

3. The Paradigm Shifter:

Question: "If we look at things from a completely different perspective, what assumptions might we need to challenge to find a breakthrough?"
Benefits: Encourages fresh thinking, disrupts outdated patterns, and unlocks new possibilities.

4. The Clarity Catalyst:

Question: "If you were to explain this to a child, how would you break it down into simple, easy-to-understand steps?" (Inspired by the Feynman Technique)
Benefits: Deepens understanding, clarifies complex concepts, and identifies knowledge gaps.

5. The Customer Champion:

Question: "If we had a press release announcing this product launch, what would it say about the customer experience and the value it delivers?" (Inspired by Amazon's Working Backward Method)
Benefits: Ensures customer focus, aligns product development with market needs, and prioritizes value creation.

6. The Confidence Booster:

Question: "Tell me about a time when you felt truly at your best, using all your skills and strengths. What qualities and behaviors helped you achieve success?"
Benefits: Builds confidence, identifies transferable skills, and empowers clients to leverage their strengths.

7. The Long-Term Strategist:

Question: "Let's explore the potential consequences of this decision. What might the impact be in the next few months? How might it play out further down the line?" (Second Order Thinking)
Benefits: Encourages long-term thinking, considers potential pitfalls, and promotes well-informed decision-making.


Adapt the wording: tailor questions to the unique situation and client needs.
Choose the right moment: use these questions strategically for maximum impact.
Maintain a supportive environment: create a safe space for exploration and growth.

These are tools, not scripts: use your coaching expertise to guide and inspire.
By mastering these powerful questions, you can unlock new perspectives, drive deeper self-discovery, and empower your clients to achieve their full potential.