
how to reboot myself with power? 

作者: 郑振佑博士 Dr. Paul Jeong ,MCC, MMC
发布于: 2024-02-21 13:12
阅读: 39


Paul Jeong答: 我们必须真实而不是虚假或自我,这样才能有力量重启自我。

- 克服依赖性: 培养自我肯定和独立。        
- 拥抱存在: 充分接触和处理情绪。        
- 驾驭不确定性: 采取开放的心态,拥抱变化。        
- 自我诊断问题: 用于自我认知和识别障碍。        
- 正念练习: 增强情绪复原力和临场感。        
- 认知灵活性: 培养适应能力,创造性地解决问题。        
- 自我肯定: 练习自爱和接纳,加强内心的肯定。


-依赖问题: 从外部寻找自我价值,而不是从内心寻找价值。这源于童年时期,从他人那里寻求爱和认可。

-抗拒充分感受: 迷失在思想、情绪或感觉中,从而避免完全存在。这阻碍了我们发掘自身力量的能力。

-强迫结果: 试图控制一切,将我们的价值观强加于他人,从而导致冲突和力量的丧失。



-依赖: 反思一下,你是否为了寻求他人的爱和接纳而牺牲了自己的独立性?独立是享受相互依存关系的关键。

-抗拒改变: 问问自己为什么会抗拒改变,固守过去的身份。拥抱不确定性,放下执念,可以开启新的可能性。

-限制自我表达: 考虑一下被拒绝的恐惧是否会阻碍你充分表达自己。克服这种恐惧,就能进行更真实的互动。



-直觉与理由: 专注于当下,而不是将直觉合理化。存在带来直觉和清晰。

-判断与指责: 认识到需要从情况中学习,而不是批评他人。这能促进成长和临在。

-避免临在: 练习正念,尤其是通过觉察自己的呼吸。这能将注意力转移到当下。



-开放心态: 接受不同的观点,不强加自己的价值观。开放的心态能促进相互尊重和理解。

-创造故事: 停止围绕事件编造故事的倾向。保持冷静,不编造故事,有助于培养耐心。

-对环境的反应: 反思过去造成过度反应的痛苦诱因。了解并接受你内在小孩的这些方面,会促进愈合。



Q. 在现实生活中,我怎样才能培养独立性以丰富相互依存性?
Q. 有哪些策略可以帮助我充分感受和接受自己的情绪,从而更加清晰?
Q. 我怎样才能练习 "当下在场",以增强我的直觉和决策能力?
Q. 我可以通过哪些方式鼓励自己和他人保持开放的心态,尊重不同的观点?
Q. 我怎样才能认识到并停止编造影响我心灵平静的故事的习惯?
Q. 有哪些方法可以帮助我对具有挑战性的情况做出反应,而不是被动应对,承认我内心的孩子?



- 寻求自我反思: 定期向自己提出上述问题,找出需要成长和改变的地方。
- 接受正念: 每天进行冥想、深呼吸或运动等练习,以增强临场感和意识。
- 培养情商: 以日记或治疗为工具,承认并探索自己的情绪,而不是压抑它们。
- 培养独立性: 培养技能和爱好,增强自尊,减少对他人的依赖。
- 践行感恩: 关注生活中和自己身上的积极因素,摆脱匮乏心态。
- 鼓励坦诚交流: 在尊重他人观点的同时,坦诚地分享自己的想法和感受,培养更健康的人际关系。

























Q. how to reboot myself with power? 

PJ Answer: 

We must be authentic, not fake or ego to reboot myself with power

•        Overcome Dependency: Cultivate self-validation and independence.        
•        Embrace Presence: Fully engage with and process emotions.        
•        Navigate Uncertainty: Adopt an open mindset and embrace change.        
•        Self-Diagnostic Questions: Utilize for self-awareness and identifying barriers.        
•        Mindfulness Practices: Enhance emotional resilience and presence.        
•        Cognitive Flexibility: Foster adaptability and creative problem-solving.        
•        Self-Affirmation: Practice self-love and acceptance to reinforce internal validation.


To reboot yourself with power, you focus on dissolving barriers to your potential. A healthy body can lack power due to obstacles like illness or poor condition. The same applies to mental and emotional vitality. Key barriers include:


Dependency Issue:Searching for self-worth externally rather than finding value within. This stems from childhood, where love and acceptance are sought from others.

Resisting Feeling Fully:Avoiding full presence by getting lost in thoughts, emotions, or sensations. This hinders our ability to tap into our power.

Forcing Outcomes:Attempting to control everything and imposing our values on others, which leads to conflict and a loss of power.



- Dependence: Reflect on whether you seek love and acceptance from others to the point of compromising your independence. Independence is crucial for enjoying interdependent relationships.

- Resisting Change: Ask yourself why you resist change and cling to past identities. Embracing uncertainty and letting go of attachments can open new possibilities.

- Limiting Self-Expression: Consider if fear of rejection holds you back from expressing yourself fully. Overcoming this fear allows for more authentic interactions.


Overcoming Barriers:

- Intuition vs. Justification: Focus on being present rather than rationalizing intuition away. Presence brings intuition and clarity.

- Judgment and Blame: Recognize the need to learn from situations instead of criticizing others. This fosters growth and presence.

- Avoiding Presence: Practice mindfulness, particularly through awareness of your breath. This shifts focus to the present moment.


Forcing Outcomes:

- Open-mindedness: Embrace diverse perspectives without imposing your values. Open-mindedness fosters mutual respect and understanding.

- Creating Stories: Halt the tendency to construct narratives around events. Remaining calm and story-free encourages patience.

- Reactions to Circumstances: Reflect on triggers from past pain that cause overreactions. Understanding and accepting these aspects of your inner child promotes healing.


Empowering Questions:

- How can I cultivate independence to enrich interdependency in real-life situations?
- What strategies can help me fully feel and accept my emotions for greater clarity?
- How can I practice being present in the moment to enhance my intuition and decision-making?
- In what ways can I encourage open-mindedness and respect for diverse perspectives in myself and others?
- How can I recognize and stop the habit of creating stories that affect my peace of mind?
- What methods can assist me in responding rather than reacting to challenging situations, acknowledging my inner child?


Actionable Steps:

- Seek Self-Reflection: Regularly ask yourself the above questions to identify areas for growth and change.
- Embrace Mindfulness: Engage in daily practices like meditation, deep breathing, or exericise to enhance presence and awareness.
- Cultivate Emotional Intelligence: Acknowledge and explore your emotions rather than suppressing them, using journaling or therapy as tools.
- Foster Independence: Develop skills and hobbies that boost your self-esteem and reduce dependency on others for validation.
- Practice Gratitude: Focus on the positives in your life and in yourself to shift away from a scarcity mindset.
- Encourage Open Communication: Share your thoughts and feelings openly while respecting others' viewpoints, fostering healthier relationships.


Final Thoughts:

Rebooting yourself with power involves a deep dive into self-awareness, embracing change, and practicing acceptance. It's about breaking free from old habits that limit your potential and embracing a mindset that promotes growth, connection, and empowerment. Remember, the journey to power is ongoing and rooted in continual self-discovery and adaptation.


Engaging with these reflections encourages a powerful reboot, fostering a large, open mind and a heart full of love. Remember, declaring self-love and acceptance nurtures your inner power and compassion.


To embark on a journey of self-rebooting with the transformative power of overcoming barriers to unlock our true potential, we need to delve deeply into a blend of psychological principles, mindfulness practices, and neuroscience insight.