

作者: 郑振佑博士 Dr.Paul Jeong ,MCC,MMC
发布于: 2024-01-22 16:48
阅读: 15





今天,受塔莎-尤里奇(Tasha Eurich)的见解启发,我们将深入探讨自我意识这一重要话题。作为教练,我们的使命不仅是引导领导者取得更大的成功,还要引导他们更深入地了解自己以及他们对他人的影响。



自我意识不仅仅是自省。它是指认识到我们的内在驱动力,了解他人是如何看待我们的。令人惊讶的是,真正的自我意识并不多见。研究表明,只有 10-15% 的人真正拥有这种能力。作为教练,我们的目标就是缩小这一差距。












自省并不总能带来自我认识。关键在于提出正确的问题。与其问 "为什么?"导致合理化,不如鼓励领导者问 "是什么?"。这种方法有助于获得客观、可行的见解。



        - 评估领导者当前的自我认知水平。
        - 确定需要进一步发展的自我意识类型。
        - 鼓励以 "什么?"问题为重点进行反思。
        - 为领导者提供机会,让他们接受来自同侪、下属和导师的诚实反馈。
        - 支持领导者将洞察力转化为个人和职业发展的可行步骤。








        - "回顾你过去的经历,你能否找出你的自我意识受到挑战的时刻,这对你的决策和领导风格有何影响?

        - 当你考虑自己的内在价值观和他人对你的看法时,你认为最大的差距在哪里?

        - 找出你最有共鸣的自我认知原型。作为领导者,这种原型给你带来了哪些独特的优势和挑战?

        - 你的经历和权力地位对你寻求和接受反馈的意愿有什么影响?

        - "与其问'为什么?',你可以开始问自己哪些'是什么?'的问题,从而对自己的思想、情感和行为获得更客观、更可操作的洞察力?
6. 教练的实用步骤:

        - "根据我们关于自我认知的讨论,你将承诺采取哪些具体行动来加强你对自己的了解以及他人对你的看法?





Cultivating True Self-Awareness in Leadership

Greetings, coaches! Today, we’re diving into the crucial topic of self-awareness, inspired by Tasha Eurich’s insights. As coaches, it’s our mission to guide leaders not just towards greater success, but also towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their impact on others.


1. Understanding Self-Awareness:

Self-awareness goes beyond introspection. It’s about recognizing our internal drivers and understanding how others perceive us. Surprisingly, true self-awareness is rare. Research suggests that only 10-15% of people truly possess it. As coaches, our goal is to bridge this gap.


2. The Dual Nature of Self-Awareness:

There are two types of self-awareness: internal and external. Internal self-awareness involves understanding our own values, aspirations, and impacts. External self-awareness is about perceiving how others view us. Both are critical and often uncorrelated, making it vital to cultivate them independently.


3. Leadership Archetypes:

Based on these two types, leaders fall into different archetypes. Each archetype offers unique opportunities for growth. As coaches, we need to identify which archetype our leaders belong to and tailor our approach accordingly.


4. The Challenges of Experience and Power:

Ironically, experience and power can hinder self-awareness. With seniority, leaders often receive less honest feedback, leading to overconfidence in their abilities. We must encourage leaders to seek candid feedback from a diverse range of sources.


5. The Introspection Trap:

Introspection doesn’t always lead to self-awareness. The key is asking the right questions. Instead of “Why?” which leads to rationalization, encourage leaders to ask “What?” questions. This approach promotes objective, actionable insights.


6. Practical Steps for Coaches:

        •        Assess the leader’s current level of self-awareness.
        •        Identify the type of self-awareness that needs more development.
        •        Encourage reflection with a focus on “What?” questions.
        •        Facilitate opportunities for leaders to receive honest feedback from peers, subordinates, and mentors.
        •        Support leaders in translating insights into actionable steps for personal and professional growth.


Self-awareness is a journey, not a destination. As coaches, our role is to guide leaders on this path, helping them to see themselves and their impact more clearly. By doing so, we unlock their potential for greater creativity, decision-making, and leadership effectiveness.


Remember, every coaching session is an opportunity to foster deeper self-awareness. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.


coaching questions tailored to each of the six key content areas from the script on cultivating true self-awareness in leadership:


1.  Understanding Self-Awareness:

•        “Reflecting on your past experiences, can you identify a moment where your perception of self-awareness was challenged, and how did that impact your decision-making and leadership style?”

2.  The Dual Nature of Self-Awareness:

•        “When you consider your internal values and how others perceive you, where do you see the biggest gap, and what steps can you take to bridge this understanding?”

3.  Leadership Archetypes:

        •        “Identify which self-awareness archetype you resonate with the most. What unique strengths and challenges does this archetype present for you as a leader?”

4.  The Challenges of Experience and Power:

•   “How has your experience and position of power influenced your willingness to seek and accept feedback, and how might this be affecting your self-awareness?”

5. The Introspection Trap:

 •   “Instead of asking ‘Why?’, what ‘What?’ questions can you start asking yourself to gain more objective and actionable insights into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors?”

6.  Practical Steps for Coaches:

 •   “Based on our discussions about self-awareness, what specific action will you commit to in order to enhance your understanding of yourself and how others perceive you?”


These questions are designed to provoke deep reflection and actionable responses, helping leaders to delve into the nuances of self-awareness and its impact on their personal and professional growth.